Dispense Experience Project (NDA)
Conducting a 6-month long user experience research and design project on the key customer-facing beverage dispense experience.
1 UI/UX Designer (me!)
1 Product Manager
1 Senior UI/UX Designer (manager)
July - December 2023
I, along with the Product Management co-op, led a 6-month long user experience research and design project on the key customer-facing beverage dispense experience.
This involved a drastic change to the main UI, displayed on 20,000+ installed machines across the world.
I performed user research, competitive analyses and usability audits, extensive wireframing and design iteration, prototyping, affinity map analyses, and much more.
We traveled to various customer sites in the Boston area and performed 25+ usability test sessions with both internal and external users, gaining direct insights on how effective and intuitive our design changes were (or weren’t)!
As this project is sensitive with internal data and the UI changes are not released (yet), please contact me directly to gain access to
this page with my NDA-protected Bevi work and to learn more!
Directional Messaging on Stats Page
Boosting user enjoyment with a cool statistic and improving visibility of all Bevi flavor offerings!
1 UI/UX Designer (me!)
1 Product Manager
November - December 2023
Sketch, Figma, Zeplin
In October 2023, a new Stats page was released on all Bevi machines. This included data on that machine’s flavor and enhancement usage, in the form of a bar chart. This gained lots of positive buzz across our users!
“What now?”
No call-to-action suggests to the user on what they should do next with that information. The page is also lacking in additional statistics.
How might we...
Point out to users/office managers what’s globally hot…
So that...
They reach out to their Bevi provider to try out these flavors or enhancements.
The messaging should help users/office managers get a feel for what flavors or enhancements are popular that they may or may not be installed today. Ideally, presenting something like top globally used flavors and enhancements will encourage users/office managers to try something new! Especially, enhancements, if they haven’t tried them.
Global Flavor Ranking!
This solution plays into the idea of a flavor competition and ranking to show what all Bevi users have been drinking.
If a user hasn’t tried one of these flavors before or it is not installed in their machine, its popularity sparks their curiosity, prompting them to reach out to their provider for a taste. This not only drives Bevi’s business growth but also enhances the variety of flavors customers can enjoy.
On the other hand, if the user has tried the flavor before, they feel more connected with the rest of Bevi users and feel in with the crowd — this is an increase in user happiness and satisfaction.

Revamped Usage Report
Increasing transparency on Bevi machine usage and modernizing an outdated design.
1 UI/UX Designer (me!)
1 Product Manager
July - November 2023
The Usage Report is sent to all Bevi customers on a recurring basis – it includes data on their machine(s)’ usage, top flavors, etc.
The Usage Report needed to be revamped, to have:
- clearer displays of data
- actionable insights
- better visual appeal
- on-brand design & sustainability metrics
It should also better follow Bevi design standards.
This was feedback we received from an account manager when testing the old design:
- Chart at the top of the screen is confusing and hard to read.
- Have numbers for: Total Bottles Saved that month and in total for that machine, Total Still bottles (both flavored and non-flavored), Total Sparkling bottles (both flavored and non-flavored)
- Keep favorite still and sparkling flavor
- Definitely need to include the Still and Sparkling breakdown. She has to take screenshots of the Unit Page when she wants to send along that information and gets asked that question all of the time.
- Wants to show partners once how to pull the information from the internal portal and have them do it going forward → shouldn’t be part of her job to pull usage reports.
- Specific Use Case: She runs a lot of trials with Bevi machines that generally run for 2 weeks. Would be good to be able to pull a report for the Bevi machines mid-month so that she can pass it along to the trial sites. Helps them make the decision to keep the machine.
- Trial Use Case: ability to pull a usage report for any period of time like multiple months, not just monthly. (month view, quarterly view, month over month quarters, the past year)
- Reports per machine/account
- When on Bevi’s internal service portal, an ability to set up usage report there (download as PDF)
- Have the ability to pull a usage report from the portal that’s a usage summary for multiple machine units.
It was extremely important to make the usage report scannable and easy to quickly understand.
Narrowing down the desired content into 5 main sections of
Average Bottles Dispensed,
Dispense (Still/Sparkling) Breakdown,
Flavor and Enhancement Usage, and
All-time Sustainability would help the user easily find what they’re looking for on the report.
This launches in Spring 2024.
here for documentation on how to understand this report.